RedHat Lessons Learned

RedHat Products Lessons Learned

Table Of Contents

Single Sign ON

Create Initial Admin User using CLI

  • Navigate to keycloak-add-user script:
  • Run:
./ -r master -u <"username"> -p <"password">

Access Management Console at port 9990

  • /opt/rh/rh-sso7/root/usr/share/keycloak/bin/
  • follow the prompts choosing (a) for management user, this adds the user to /opt/rh/rh-sso7/root/usr/share/keycloak/standalone/configuration/
  • Ensure you run using -bmanagement in the command.

SSO Log Location

  • /opt/rh/rh-sso7/root/usr/share/keycloak/standalone/log/server.log
  • Reboot server


Setting Up OpenSCAP Scanning With Ansible In Satellite


The following are required for Ansible to successfully run its roles on the remote host:

•	Port 9090 on the satellite server is required to be open.
•	Port 9090 on the AWS EC2 Security group for the satellite is required to be open.
•	The satellite server must be able to SSH to the host system, so traffic sourced from satellite on port 22 must be whitelisted to the host system. 
•	The host system must be registered to the satellite server.
•	The host system must have the correct subscriptions to install the required packages for the foreman and openscap client
  • Port 9090 open on the firewall/securitygroup/satellite-server
  • Edit Administer » System » Remote Execution to match the environments users, passwords, and sudo passwords for running the job.
  • Copy the foreman SSH key from Satellite to each client using the ssh-copy-id command, OR any other method you wish.
  • Upload the scap content on the satellite server. (Will be taken from the scap content RPM installed.)
foreman-rake foreman_openscap:bulk_upload:default
  • Import the default Ansible Roles Satellite Web UI » Configure » Ansible » Roles » Import Ansible Roles » Select the roles » Update
  • Import Ansible Variables Satellite Web UI » Configure » Ansible » Variables » Import Ansible Variables from Satellite  » Select all the Variables  » Update
  • Make a SCAP policy with mark ansible as deployment options. Satellite Web UI » Host » Policy » New policy » Select Ansible as deployment options.
  • Assign the policy to the client system. Satellite Web UI » Hosts » Select the host(s) » Select Action (drop down list) » Assign compliance policy » Select the policy.
  • Assign ansible roles to the client system. Satellite Web UI » Hosts » click on edit of the host. » Ansible roles » select the ansible role.
  • Run the Ansible Role to Configure the Scap Client on the Host Select the host » Schedule Remote Job » Run Ansible Roles. Once it passes, select Schedule Remote Job » Run OpenSCAP scan.


List Users

  • kinit admin
  • ipa user-find –all ( or single user)


Find "Exited" containers and restart

docker ps -a grep Exited awk ‘{print $1}’ xargs -L1 docker restart

Restart Master Services

  • /usr/local/bin/master-restart api
  • /usr/local/bin/master-restart controller

Ansible Tower

Configure Project Runs from GitLab

Configuring Ansible Tower to clone repos from a private GitLab server.

In Ansible Tower Settings -> Credentials

My Image

  • SCM Private Key: If GitLab is using SSH Key authentication (PREFFERED) paste the private key to the public key stored in GitLab under User Settings -> SSH Keys. Paste under
  • Name: Giv it a name.
  • Credential Type: “Source Control”
  • All other can be blank. Save.

In Ansible Tower go to Projects -> Add

My Image

  • Name: Pick one
  • Organization: Pick one
  • SCM Type: GIT
  • SCM Credential: The one you just made
  • SCM URL: The URL of the repo you will clone from. If HTTPS:// is not an option or doesnt work, use SSH://<”user@repo”> like in the picture above.
  • Save


“The Peers certificate issuer could not be recognized”

SSL Is not configured on GitLab. If GitLab is using a self signed cert:

  • Copy the self signed cert from GitLab to:
  • /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
  • run: update-ca-trust extract


S3 Registry Settings

  • Storage engine: Amazon S3
  • S3 Bucket: Bucket name
  • Storage Directory: /datastorage/registry
  • AWS Access key: Add your key
  • AWS Secret Key: Add your Key
  • S3 Host (Optional):

SSO Config for Quay

Place the following in /quay/config/config.yaml

SSO_LOGIN_CONFIG: {CLIENT_ID: quay, CLIENT_SECRET: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
  OIDC_SERVER: 'https://URL_OF_SSO_Server/auth/realms/REALMNAME/', SERVICE_NAME: SSO}

Also add the CA bundle to a directory called /data/quay/config/extra_ca_certs on the quay host and reboot the container.

S3 Policy for allowing Quay Registry access

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AWS-account-ID:root"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AWS-account-ID:root"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*"